
What does your personal brand say about you?

If you took some time to think about what your personal brand is, would you know how to describe it? What if you asked someone else to describe your brand? How do they compare?

These are questions that should be asked by anyone working in real estate, or in any business on a regular basis to ensure that your image is being perceived in the manner you intend it to. Regardless of where potential prospects or current clients view your real estate marketing material it’s imperative for your brand to be consistent. As a person of integrity you need to be making sure that what you are portraying is a true reflection of yourself, and that it aligns with your personal values.

Establishing and maintaining a strong personal brand is essential to you, your business and reinforcing confidence with your clients.

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Prospects in Your Neighbourhood?

Welcome to Spring 2014! The snow is starting to melt, the days are getting longer and dreams of summer are going to become a reality. At DMS, we are just as excited to break free from the internal restraints that winter brings and to dive into outdoor activities.

With this fresh spring season upon us, have you thought about doing neighbourhood marketing? Making your name known in your community is a great way to increase exposure, increase prospects and for your neighbours to get to know the real you. We have a variety of options to help you get started or enhance your prospect marketing including exclusive use of postal walks.

Working in Real Estate is always exciting, and with the ever changing economy and community growth the possibilities for your business are endless!

Keep us posted on what you are looking to achieve, and let DMS partner with you to make your Real Estate marketing goals a reality.

DMS Connect

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